Aug 16 - Annual picnic
Sept 13 - Owen Reich lecture/demo morning, bring your own afternoon workshop,
Closter Nature Center 154 Ruckman Rd. Closter, NJ 07624
Closter Nature Center
Regular meetings held at: Closter Nature Center 154 Ruckman Road, Closter, NJ 07624
Holiday Party - December 11, 2011
November 20, Annual Show and Review
_____________________________________________________ October 16, - 4 Four Tree Workshop Four Trees, Four Groups, Four Outcomes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tree One
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tree Two
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tree Three
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tree Four
Mitch, our treasurer hard at work. =============================
September 17 -18, Eric Auger
Saturday night started with a pot luck dinner......
followed by a demo on finishing a Scotts Pine forest.
Sunday started with Eric critiquing a number of member's trees........
Followed by an afternoon workshop.
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August 21, John Romano
John started the day with a short study of the Black Pine
Then on to a styling of a Scotts Pine
Rose won the tree in our raffle, and in a few years will have a specimen tree.
The afternoon workshop
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A landscape by Mike
July 17, Mike Humphrey Soil
Open Workshop
June 19, 2011 Annual Picnic and Auction
================================ McFaul Environmental Center Annual Bonsai Exhibit and Show May 15, 2011
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================================================================================================== Mid Atlantic Bonsai Societies 2011 Spring Festival April 15, 16 & 17 2011 Special thanks to Len and Ralf for displaying their trees.
Alberta Spruce by Ralf
Green Island Ficus by Len White Pine by Ralf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
---------------------------------------------- _______________________________ March 20, 2011
Dean presents a juniper for the monthly clinic.
Len explaining the MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies Spring Fevitlval.
Peter, our workshop chairperson, going over this years events and procedures.
Michael gave a very informative talk on potting.
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February 20, 2011 Election of the Bergen Bonsai Society's Executive Board Annual Pot Sale Omiya Bonsai Festival - May 2010 - Power Point Presentation
________________________ January 16, 2011 Richard Rauh - Botanical Illustrator