Aug 16 - Annual picnic
Sept 13 - Owen Reich lecture/demo morning, bring your own afternoon workshop,
Closter Nature Center 154 Ruckman Rd. Closter, NJ 07624
Closter Nature Center
Regular meetings held at: Closter Nature Center 154 Ruckman Road, Closter, NJ 07624
December 12 Annual Holiday Party
November 21 Annual Show and critique
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October 17 David Easterbrook
This months tokanoma was this beautiful ficus by Len S.
David first showed a series of slides on the literati style of bonsai and then presents a scots pine to work on.
He then ask three members to draw the demo tree showing how they would create a literati.
After discussing how to style this tree he gets to work.
The finished tree.
________________________________________ September 19
Special thanks to Raplh Schuman for all the photos for this months meeting.
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August 15 - Workshop
This month's Tokonoma Was this flowering Bougainvillea by Mitch B.
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July 18, 2010
This month's Tokonoma - a Arboricola Schefflera
Open Workshop
Bergen Bonsai's Annual Picinic and Auction June 29, 2010
May 16, 2010 Bonsai Show - McFaul Environmental Center
February 21, 2010
Pots, Pots and more Pots. February's annual pot sale.
January 24, 2010
With George now residing in Virginia, our Vice-President Virginia facilitated the meeting with ease.
In lieu of a Tokonoma Peter brought in some of his Suiseki (viewing stones) to share. -------------------------------------------- MidAtlantic Spring Festival Our special thanks to Len S .for stepped up and submitting the above Ficus for The Bergen Bonsai Society.
The tree above won the George LeBolt, peoples choice award