Aug 16 - Annual picnic


        Sept 13 - Owen Reich

     lecture/demo morning,  bring your own afternoon workshop,


               Closter Nature Center 154   Ruckman Rd. Closter, NJ 07624






                      Closter Nature Center





         Regular meetings held at:

                      Closter Nature Center

                      154 Ruckman Road,

                      Closter, NJ 07624




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George Lebolt
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                         Annual Holiday Party












                                        October 18, 2009

             Annual Bonsai Show













                             September 13, 2009    

                  Roy Nagatoshi  


                             Lecture & Demonstration



        Roy takes a look before his demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Presents the tree to the club



As he gets to work he realizes this tree will have to be a shohin.     He makes a final check.


                              Roy with Bob P. who was the lucky raffle winner of the tree.


                                     Afternoon workshop







                 August 16, 2009

                  George LeBolt

             Open Styling Workshop


This months Tokonoma Tree was a Boulevard Cypress by Bob Pruski



  George helping some BBS members styling their trees.



                             A couple of the trees brought into the workshop



            Before                                            After






A study group At George's home on August 9th.

                                   Working hard, but having fun.



                     July 19, 2009 Meeting



This months Tokonoma was this spectacular               Mugho Pine by George LeBolt.

  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   .

             Chase Rosade

   Two tree demo and lecture, with afternoon workshop.


                  Tree Number One - Alberta Spruce


        Before                              work in progress


                                  Finished Tree


                              Tree Number Two  -   Juniper


                      Before                             Styling the tree


                                The Finished Tree


Click here for Photos from the afternoon workshop






                     George LeBolt

       Tropical Demonstration and Workshop

                        May 24, 2009






                                  Working                                                         Finished



                       John working on his Elm over a rock


         John R. brought in this Brazilian Raintree . There were two workshops, one was Brazilian Raintrees and the afternoon was for different types of tropical trees.



Click here for Photos form workshops



                  David Easterbrook

    April 26  -   Lecture And Demonstration

                      Weeping Style









                 A little wire                           Ready for potting


                                       In it's new pot



                         The Finished Tree









        MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies

      2009 Spring Festival, April 17-19



                 Pitch Pine - Tod Hansen

                                   Best In Show


  Blaauw's Juniper forest - Michael Pollock

President's Award & Peoples Choice Award



                 Bald Cypress - George LeBolt

                          Exhibit Committee Award





George LeBolt also exhibited two other trees, a Brazilian Rain Tree and a Scots Pine.















Click here for more MidAtlantic Photos






George LeBolt - March 29th  -  Temperate Workshop


This months Tokonoma was a Catlin Elm ( 30 years old, grown from a cutting) by George LeBolt. This is the same species of

Tree that was to be worked on in the workshop.







               Sean Smith - February 22, 2009

                                     presentations on:

                    "SHOKU" The Japanese Display Table

                               TANUKI: Artifical Deadwood



                               Jean Smith during his presentation.



                                            Two of Sean's examples of an effective Tokonoma.


                                                The components of a Tokonoma.


                               One of Seans SUISEKI                  A custom made SHOKU by Sean

Click here for more photos from Sean's presentation.




bulletAll meetings at the Closter Nature Center are on Sundays
bulletAll morning meetings at the Closter Nature center start at 9:45am to Aprox. 1:30pm
bulletAll Afternoon meetings at the Closter Nature Center start Aprox. 2:00pm to Aprox 5:00pm



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